Type of Payment | Supporting document/information required |
Service Payment |
Trade Payments |
Trade Advance Payments |
IMPORTANT: Failure to provide the required documents / information may result in cancellation of Client’s instruction(s). The Bank will not be liable in any event whatsoever for any exchange loss as a result of declining any transactions. The Bank may also require further documents / information subsequently in order to meet its regulatory obligation and satisfy beneficiary / correspondent bank’s requirements. In such circumstances, the Bank requests prompt response and complete cooperation from the Client in providing the details. For any queries, please contact us on 800-Private (7748283)
Additional information is defined as per the payment type. This has been categorized into 3 groups:
Service Payments: •Type of service rendered •Country of Service: Location where the service is rendered. Trade Payments: •Commercial Invoice/Performa Invoice •Transport Document Copy [e.g. Bill of Lading; Airway Bill; Road Transport] Trade Advance Payments •Commercial Invoice/Performa Invoice •Type of Goods: Specify details of the merchandise being traded •Origin of Goods: Please provide the country name •Port of Loading •Port of Discharge / Destination.Did you find the information you were looking for on this page?