
Create your own contracts in less than 5 Minutes!

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Why Lexyom?

Safe & Secure
One stop shop for all your legal with state of the art data protection, secure payments, digital signature integration & more
Curated for you
Bringing you agreements especially designed and personalized for you. From Founders’ Agreements, to day legal agreements, we’ve got all your legal needs covered
Avoid Unpleasant Surprises
With Lexyom, you’ll know exactly what you’re getting, how long it will take, and what it’s costing you

Make better decisions by getting legally smarter

Ever been stuck in a negotiation where you didn’t understand what Non-Disclosure was? Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen again. The Lexyom academy will introduce all these concepts to you to make sure you make better decisions as you go.

Time to upgrade your legal experience



Create 1 personalized contract

Watch 1 Legal Academy Video

Download 1 Legal Guide

Store all your legal documents in one place

Place legal requests

Complimentary 20 minute legal consultation


USD 399/Yr

Create unlimited personalized contracts

Watch unlimited Legal Academy Video

Download unlimited Legal Guide

Unlimited Storage for all your legal documents in one place

Place legal requests

Complimentary quarterly 20 minute legal consultation

Get Exclusive 15% Discount

Our NeoBiz customers get a 15% discount using the PROMOCODE: LexNeo15

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