Message from Mashreq India Country Head

Mashreq India, with a presence since 1980, has actively witnessed and participated in the transformative changes that the financial sector has undergone, primarily driven by structural reforms and disruptive technology-based solutions. As a pioneering force and significant contributor in the development of numerous digital solutions, we take great pride in supporting our clients' financial ambitions. Our forward-thinking approach in conceptualizing our offerings ensures that we remain close to our clients and remain well-prepared for potential disruptions. However, this commitment to innovation does not compromise our commitment to meet the current needs of our clients through our unique offerings, which cater comprehensively to all our clients' financial requirements. Furthermore, our extensive expertise and deep understanding of the market consistently give us a competitive advantage, enabling us to provide the best advice to our customers at any stage of their business cycle. We actively stay informed about market trends and the latest technologies by engaging with policymakers and industry experts, ensuring we don't miss out on any new innovations. Lastly, as a proud member of a growing network that explores new markets, we strive to create opportunities for all our clients, regardless of their geographical location. We value our enduring presence in India over the years and remain committed to investing in this beloved country, empowering our clients to maintain their competitive edge. Tushar Vikram Mashreq India CEO & Country Head

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