Meet Estefanía Banini

As an athlete, captain, and woman, Estefanía Banini inspires us to fight for what's right, no matter the cost. Introducing the ultimate comeback story of an Argentinian pro football player who could not be silenced.

The voice of change

As the captain of the Argentinian national women's football team, Estefanía took one for the team in her fight for progress. She voiced her beliefs and the needs of her team members and risked her career in the process. Even though she's faced a lot of backlash and various setbacks, she has always remained fearless and unstoppable.

An MVP with integrity

Whenever life threw her unexpected curveballs, she let her moral compass guide her. Having been raised with strong values, she knew how to always remain grounded and true to herself amid the chaos. Doing the right thing gave Estefanía the strength she needed to face her obstacles head on.

A champion on and off the field.

Even though she has dealt with many losses over the years, Banini still believes it was all worth it. After all, she was able to create a real difference for her team members and women's football. She changed the game by making personal sacrifices, but now it’s her time to win - starting with her triumphant return to the national team.

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