Open your Non Resident Egyptian Account in three easy steps

Your Mashreq account in UAE pre-qualifies you as a Mashreq customer in Egypt through our Non Resident Egyptian account.

Open a Bank Account in Egypt: Without having to travel to Egypt, from the comfort of your office or home in UAE

Quick and FREE Transfer of Funds: Money transfer to your account in Egypt from your UAE account is free and instant

Highest Interest Rates: Book your FD/CD and get the Highest interest rates on your deposits in Egypt

Dedicated Customer Service Officer: We have a team of dedicated officers in Egypt who will manage your account

3 Steps to open your NRE Account

Step 1: Fill in your contact details and submit Step 2: Receive a call from our bank staff to complete the process Step 3: Start enjoying the benefits of a Non Resident Egyptian account! *Terms and conditions apply
Have us call you